

KOBELT Item out of stock. Please visit again 7147-H10C AED 20215.00

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The 7147 Full Power Follow-up steering system is primarily designed for boats up to 120 ft in length, depending on power and speed. The unit is designed to provide the helmsman to operate the rudder effortlessly and with complete control. Its function is to turn manual steering into power steering which will provide the operator with fingertip control over the rudder. A source of hydraulic pressure is required to make this unit functional. It is capable of handling hydraulic fluid up to 8 gallons per minutes at 1000 psi. Should however, the hydraulic power fail, the valve arrangement will switch this unit automatically to manual steering mode. Capable of handling a maximum rudder torque of 5,000 ft-lbs or 695 kg-m, the unit is available in 7½”, 10” and 12” strokes. The unit is constructed entirely in bronze and stainless steel which can endure well in the harsh marine environment for years of trouble-free service. This unit is an extremely compact device and provides the ultimate in simplicity as far as installation and maintenance is concerned. Since a full power follow up valve and servo cylinder is all incorporated on to the main cylinder, no additional linkage is required to make this unit work. This model can also be used in dual cylinder installations by simply adding one cylinder and two hoses to the system giving it an easy task to upgrade the existing manual hydraulic system to power steering