
7197 Single FFU/Jog Combination Controller

KOBELT Item out of stock. Please visit again 7197-B-A AED 4751.00
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This dual mode combination single lever is Kobelt’s latest development in providing Full Follow Up rudder control with a jog steering as the secondary control. The 7197 is intended for electric over hydraulic steering systems. To complete the systems, a 7173-K steering amplifier, a steering (directional control) solenoid valve and rudder feedback unit complete with potentiometers and limit switches is required. For systems with more than one station, a transfer box and station selector switches at each station are also needed. Operating the FFU lever controller will activate the amplifier and cause the steering hydraulic steering gear to move in the desired direction. When the handle is released, the FFU lever stays in that position and the steering gear will continue to move (“FOLLOW UP”) until it reaches that preferred position, at which point the amplifier will de-activate the solenoid and the steering gear stops and holds in that position. In the event a problem occurs with the steering amplifier or the rudder feed back unit, you can switch to jog steering (non-follow up) mode. Whilst in this mode, steering can be achieved by pushing the lever hard over against the enclosed spring. Releasing the handle will cause the lever to spring back about five degrees; the steering gear stops and does not move until you operate the jog lever again. The standard 7197 comes with one potentiometer and two switches. Up to three potentiometers and two limit switches are available. Other optional items such as a 7180 (2-1/8” diameter) indicator or mode selector switches and/or station transfer switches can be added. The controller (with the exception of switches and potentiometers) is constructed entirely of die cast bronze complemented by stainless steel hardware for longevity in a marine environment.