DMS All-in-One (model 3)

Brand: DMS
Category: Anti-rolling gyro

Price on request

The DMS All-in-One reduces drag during underway stabilisation by 75% compared to a conventional single-axis fin stabiliser. This is because such a fin needs less deflection to deliver the same output.

The DMS All-in-One has up to 3x more stabilisation output during Zero Speed stabilisation compared to a conventional single-axis fin stabiliser.

No compromise
From day one in the development of DMS All-in-One, the goal was to ensure that each mode of operation individually performs to the maximum without compromise to any of it’s other operational functions.

The three modes of operation in brief:

1. At zero speed, the fins make a flapping motion.

2. At cruising speed the fins rotate, just as with traditional fins, but the “high aspect” shape results in less resistance.

3. Stabilisation at high speed has been added. At higher speeds, the fins are fully folded behind the yacht’s transom. From here, the fins can trim the yacht as well as damping any rolling and swaying.

The fins can be easily retrofitted to the transom of the yacht making a positive contribution to the speed through trim while also reducing drag and fuel consumption.


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